Cretaceous sponges from the Campanian of Misburg and Höver


Azorica pfeifferae

Carter 1973

Figure 1 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.

Figure 2 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.
Same specimen as in Figure 1.

Figure 3 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.





Alemannia, Höver, Lower Campanian (senonensis zone). Very rare.


To the author's knowledge, Azorica species have not been reported from German localities previously. Presently, only two specimens from Höver (Figures 1 through 3), tentatively identified as Azorica pfeifferae, are known.

Macroscopically, the two specimens show typical features of Azorica pfeifferae, consisting of complex clusters of convoluted flabellate funnels. The walls are 5 to 7 mm thick, with rounded rims.

Figure 4 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.
Inhalent surface.

Figure 5 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.
Exhalent surface.

Figure 4 shows the inhalent (dermal) surface with densely crowded, pinhole-like ostia, approximately half a millimeter wide.

Figure 5 shows the gastral surface with scattered postica, slightly larger than the inhalent pores. Near the funnel centers the postica are flush with the surface and show a vague tendency to align in radial rows, while near the funnel rims radial furrows with recessed postica are more or less prominent.

Figure 6 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.
Rhizoclone skeleton with two aporhyses.

Figure 7 - Azorica pfeifferae. Alemannia, Höver.

The skeleton of Azorica pfeifferae is composed of rhizoclones, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 contains a collection of isolated rhizoclones.